Bottled and waiting

Alright! My first batch is bottled! Apart from building a skateboard mini-ramp, finding a shipwreck with my bro and importing/impregnating my wife (twice), this is one of my great accomplishments!

First thing, measurements to make sure I did everything right. It was in the range for pale ales at 1.010 which is good! This means, so far, it is actually beer. Also, it looks like beer!

Oh, and it tastes like beer!!!! ( notice my serious beer scientist expression!)

Ok back to work, let’s fill some bottles.

Cap the bottles!


Now the bottles are sleeping peacefully in the cabinet for 2 weeks or so, then it’s time to test!

I would like to thank my beautiful wife for helping me with this process. She helped quite a bit! The next beer will be inspired by her, more to come soon.

She also wrote this beautiful love letter to me in her blog that you should check out. I love her!

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